Estate Inventory

Check out this weeks finds...

This estate is very large and has many collections that are rare and unique.  This gentleman and his wife traveled to many places while serving as a Navy Officer.  They collected many things from Native American artifacts and hand woven rugs, Alaskan furs,trinkets, art, souvenirs from their travels.  They enjoyed the art of shopping as you will see. He loved his cowboy boots and hats. Hunting was also his passion so you will see a lot of hunting paraphernalia. He had a love for creative hobbies such as collecting firearms & shooting, gun reloading, leather tooling, wood carving leaving behind all of his equipment and tools. Her passion for garage sales filled her closets, pantry and rooms with collectables, vintage clothing and other vintage finds date back to the 40's. Their home was surrounded by fine furniture, antiques, house hold items, wood working tools, and some very unique oddities that we are sure you will enjoy.  We found some amazing quilts some of which are quite old. 

We have emptied a couple of safes and they are now for sale. 

As we unbox and uncover this weeks treasures we will be posting pictures for you to view. Our expertise in researching and uncovering clues helps us ensure proper pricing on each item showed.  Every item is carefully handled and displayed in this line up of inventory.  Check with us to see what is still for sale and you may inquire about them by calling us at

{435} 467-8882 or check out Hoardfull Treasures...My Favorite Uncle's Stuff on Etsy

Estate Sale Dates  (#4 is coming soon)  2018

2575 North 2800 East, Layton, Utah

Native American Jewelry

©Copyright My Savvy Sister Estate Sales